
Institute of Respiratory Health

In 2015, CCF formed a partnership with the Institute of Respiratory Health which is situated in Nedlands.

Thanks to a $1 million commitment over five years, the Conquer Cystic Fibrosis Research Program was born.

This program funded three new postgraduate PhD Scholarships. These scholarships will foster careers in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) research and improve the adult care offered to all those living with CF in WA. It is hoped that the scholarships will help to attract and retain top clinicians in our State. Contact us for more information.

Australian Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust:

The Australian Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust (ACFRT) seeks to allocate funds for high quality research at a national level. The Trust will only support research that has been assessed and recommended by the scientific community. The Trust through financial support of CCF funding has a number of research studyies underway including:

CCF GI Innovation project 2020 – (Keith Ooi – Towards understanding gut host-microbe interactions and personalised probiotic therapy in cystic fibrosis using organoid-derived 2D intestinal models)

CCF Respiratory Innovation project 2022 (Samuel Montgomery – Establishing a pipeline for repurposing anti-inflammatory drugs to tackle viral-induced exacerbations in children with CF)

CCF Lung Health Transplant Grant 2022 (HLRI – H Ludewick, M Musk, W Pavey, R Brogan, R Labalestier) Transforming diagnosis of lung transplant rejection

CCF GI Innovation project 2023: Establishing the utility of GCTM-5 as a biomarker for liver pathology in cystic fibrosis patients (Prof G Yeoh, Prof Ramm, A/Prof Lewindon, Dr Alves and Dr Laing)

CCF Lung Health Transplant Grant 2023: Understanding and counteracting antibody-mediated inflammation driving lung damage (T Wells)

The projects we have been able to support all have the potential to drastically improve CF care, outcomes worldwide and extend lives.  Please contact us for more information.

Telethon Kids Institute:

Access to phage therapy, a treatment option for antibiotic resistant superbugs, is now one step closer for people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in WA thanks to a $500,000 donation from Conquer Cystic Fibrosis to the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre.  Our donation resulted in the establishment of a phage bioreactor facility in WA, where phages will be manufactured to treat infections in patients where very limited, or no treatment options, exist.  The phage therapy research being undertaken by the Wal-yan Centre is urgently needed, and it’s giving families with CF hope.