Bouncing on a trampoline is a fun and effective way for people with cystic fibrosis to exercise and also to help them clear mucus from their lungs. Of course, bouncing on a trampoline is just one part of other, wider cystic fibrosis treatment, but it’s definitely one of the more fun treatments out there! With campaigns like the Big Bounce attracting worldwide attention, fundraising and participation, we wanted to share some of the wonderful health benefits that bouncing on a trampoline can have for your child who is living with cystic fibrosis.
Exercise + treatment
Your child’s physiotherapy is probably one of the hardest parts of their treatment. Daily exercise and ongoing therapy are vital to minimise the mucus build up in their lungs and airways. While bouncing on a trampoline is not a traditional method of treatment, many young cystic fibrosis patients are using a trampoline to complement their treatment. Some physicians are also recommending a trampoline for their patients to help with enhancing their cardiopulmonary performance, and to improve their general wellbeing.
Improve mood and energy levels
When you are bouncing on a trampoline it is hard to feel anything except joy after just a couple of bounces! Hopping onto a trampoline and bouncing has the dual purpose of working to elevate your child’s mood and to enhance their energy levels. If you haven’t heard of trampolining as an optional part of your child’s treatment, please, of course, consult your physician first prior to rushing out and buying a trampoline!
It’s self-treatment
A lot of the time, your child living with cystic fibrosis will be going to doctors and physiotherapists and having to complete exercises with not a lot of control over what they do and how. This is just part of their care; but with trampolining, your child can play by themselves or with friends while at the same time getting some effective treatment. Bouncing on a trampoline is an active, independent exercise with results which are thought to be indistinguishable from traditional treatments like percussion treatment and chest physiotherapy. The duration of bouncing will change depending on your child’s treatment needs – so be sure to speak to your doctor or therapist if you are considering trampoline therapy for your child.
Remember, safe bouncing is vital
You probably remember the days where trampolines were rectangular, where the springs were a finger death trap, and the metal sides were an accident waiting to happen! But times have changed; there are safe trampoline options available on the market now. Companies like Vuly make springless and safe-spring trampoline models for safe bouncing. And of course, always supervise your kids whenever they are playing outside on the trampoline for their safety.