$50,000 donation kick starts global developments in CF care

Research of global significance is well underway here in WA and that is all thanks to your generosity!

We are thrilled to announce that we recently handed over $50,000 to the amazing CF research team at the Telethon Kids Institute. Those funds will fund an exciting Artificial Intelligence project which has the potential to drastically improve CF care worldwide.

We also received an update on the $20,000 we granted to the Institute last year which kick started an international collaboration of experts looking at a new molecular method which detects Aspergillus. It does so by looking for its DNA samples taken during a bronchoscopy. That project is showing immense promise and Dr Luke Garratt is leading this work with collaborators in Singapore who are now contributing more than $80,000.

For those who may not be aware, Aspergillus is the main fungus cultured in the airways of patients with CF and it is associated with airway damage and lung function decline.  Better detection leads to quicker and more effective treatment to reduce the damage this fungus inflicts.

The delivery of these funds and the success of the Institute’s research so far is great news for the 3300 Australians with Cystic Fibrosis.

One of those is 4-year-old Connor Barrett (pictured) whose future looks much brighter thanks to the clever minds and dedication of the Telethon Kids Institute team.

He is pictured with Development Manager Erin Hurson and world-renowned researcher and clinic Professor Stephen Stick to celebrate the big leaps forward.

However that’s not where the Conquer Cystic Fibrosis  contributions stop.

This year we are also granting funds to the Institute for Respiratory Health ($200,000), the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust ($100,000), Cystic Fibrosis WA ($10,000) and purchasing a state-of-art Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion machine which will improve the safety of transplants at Fiona Stanley Hospital ($280,000). More updates to come on those donations.

We are incredibly proud of these achievements considering we are a 100% volunteer-run charity started only 16 years ago right here in WA.

Thank you for making a difference.